Friday, February 07, 2014

DIY: Exfoliating Moisturizer

Exfoliators & moisturizers are my favourite things to buy!
I used to work at The Body Shop and owned just about every lotion, cream, body butter and scrub they carried - plus a million drug store brands!

One day it dawned on me that at the heart of these moisturizers were natural oils ~ almond oil, olive oil, sunflower seed oil ~ and at the core of the exfoliants were ... natural exfoliants ~ nut shells, salts, sugars.

"Eureka"!! I thought (well, maybe I wasn't quite so dramatic). But I was suddenly very eager to make my very own exfoliator with edible products that I knew were safe and natural.

I've experimented with all kinds of natural beauty products ever since ~ facial masks, hair treatments, moisturizers, but my classic go to that I never get tired of is a Sea Salt Moisturizing Exfoliator.

Below is the "How To Make It" and the "Why I Love It".

How To Make It:

Step 1: Pour about 10-15 tablespoons of sea salt into your desired container

Step 2: Add about half a cup of oil to the salt, or as much as gives you a consistency you like. *I use grapeseed oil lately, but you can use any oil that suits your skin ~ almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil ... the list is endless

Step 3: Bam! You're done.

You can now use this mixture in the shower to exfoliate dead skin cells away, as well as moisturize your skin! So simple, so effective!

Why I Love It:

1. It works! My skin feels super soft and moisturized directly after, and until my next shower.

2. It does the job of 2 products (exfoliator & moisturizer) in 1 step!

3. Mechanical exfoliation (the process of physically scrubbing the skin) promotes circulation

4. Sea salt is known to have great benefits for the skin

5. It's all natural

**One word of warning: the oil can really do quite the job on your tub, making it extremely slippery ~ so be mindful of that while you're in there. I try to give it a rinse with soap when I'm done so my hubby doesn't wipe out on a slip & slide the next time he's in!

So, this is my go-to scrub in it's most basic form.

I will sometimes add essential oils for their scent and health benefits.

It adds a little 'kick' to throw some peppermint or lemongrass oil in every once in a while ~ or whatever you like!

Give it a try and see what you think ~ and make sure to let me know how it goes!

Happy Exfolurizing!!!

~ Kelly


5foot10 said...

Such a great post! Thanks for sharing. Exfoliating is so important this time of year when we are all covered up and getting battered byt harsh cold weather and hot radiators :)

Unknown said...

Yes definitely a rough season for skin!!
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